Woolly Hugs’ Safeguarding policy.

Introduction Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. For our safeguarding policy to be effective every trustee and volunteer who supports us, whatever their role, will play their part in keeping people safe.  Safeguarding is protecting an individual’s health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

We have a Duty of Care to our volunteers. We are committed to the protection and safety of adults at risk and children if participants in our activities. We will protect and support the volunteers who work with us as well as users of our services.

It must be noted that our only direct contact with children is with their parents or guardians.

All citizens of the United Kingdom have their rights enshrined within the Human Rights Act 1998. Children’s legislation includes the Children’s Act 1989 and 2004.

This policy applies to everyone volunteering on behalf of Woolly Hugs, including the board of trustees. The Chair of trustees is Designated Lead for safeguarding at Woolly Hugs

Our Policy

  • The online services we provide are suitable for users of any age. See social media policy.
  • Woolly Hugs has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse. Our work is primarily online. We use admin moderators to be vigilant. There are no excuses for not taking all reasonable action to protect those using our online provision.
  • We ensure that personal data is stored and managed in a safe way that is compliant with data protection regulations, including valid consent to use any imagery or video. We are GDPR compliant. See policy.
  • Ensuring that all appointments that require DBS clearance and safeguarding training are identified. At present because our work is indirect we do not have DBS checks. 
  • We have control over our website and social media accounts.
  • We create a culture of respect, in which everyone feels safe and able to speak up, responding to any concerns sensitively and acting quickly to address these. See complaints policy too. 
  • All volunteers and staff are required to report any suspected abuse and be aware of the appropriate reporting and support procedure for safeguarding including the reporting of people at risk of radicalisation and extremism.
  • All Volunteers and trustees must be clear on appropriate behaviour
  • Our fundraising is ethical.
  • We do not either solicit nor accept donations from anyone whom we know or think may not be competent to make their own decisions.
  • We are sensitive to any particular need that a donor may have.
  • Our safeguarding policy is easily accessible and we draw attention to it.  

Copyright © 2024 Woolly Hugs. Charity registration number: 1167411. All rights reserved.