Woollyhugs > Latest.. > MN Blankets

The Blanket for Chipmonkey

Link to our orginal thread for Chipmonkey is here

“Hello there I am chipmonkey’s DS1.  I would really like to thank all the ladies who helped to make the blanket, I heard that there were about 75 people who contributed to making the blanket and that really touched me, to know that there were that many people who each spent some of their time to make such a beautiful blanket. My younger brothers and I really enjoyed it on our way down to Wexford, it kept us comfortable and warm for the whole trip. I am even using the blanket right now. My mum is very serious about keeping it clean but I don’t blame her. But anyway I am very very grateful for everything everyone has done. Thanks for making such a beautiful blanket everyone, I greatly appreciate it.”

Chipmonkey’s DS1.

The Blankets for Magic8ballhastheanswers

Just wanted to update this thread so everyone who contributed can know what happened. We handed 3 blankets over to magic’s husband today, one for each of his girls. They were so beautiful and he was incredibly touched. Thank you everyone who knitted a square or donated money to buy wool. And big thanks to the lovely ladies who turned a heap of little squares into 3 of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Muser xxx

Links to the orginial threads are here and here.

Apologies for the size of some of Magic’s photos, sadly it is not possible to change sizings, but we still wanted to include them.

The Blanket for Whatevertheweather

“Oh.my.goodness. I have just seen the link to this thread. I actually can hardly type through the tears – I just cannot believe that you are all willing to make and give this amazing wonderful gift to a complete stranger.

I don’t know if cwwm said but I will be giving the blanket to my elder dd Katie and telling her it was made by the loveliest ladies for her from Erin and that when she has it over her it will be Erins way of giving her a cuddle.

Honestly you will never ever know how much this means to me and my family at this dark time. A thousand thank you’s xxxxx”

Links to the original threads may be found here, and here.

The Blanket for Blondeshavemorefun

Link to the original thread is here.

“I just wanted to say a very big thank you to everyone who helped in the making of my blanket

I met with Edgar, Knotty and my ‘big sis’ Piste yesterday for lunch and wine and the exchange of woolly love and i have to confess I did cry – wouldnt allow Knotty to take a pic till i looked half decent

I am so over whelmed by the sheer love, time and effort that went into making it and last night I slept all snuggled up in it

It is so soft and every square made with love – I love all the squares but especially love the bear with a m on it
words can not express my thanks and appreciation and just doesnt seem enough saying thank you – but thank you”

The Blanket for Rindercella

“Our blanket is just gorgeous…I know we will spend a lot of time looking at each square, wondering who made it, but always knowing it was done with love. From the bottom of my heart, thank you wonderful MNers. Your generosity and kindness has staggered me. As has all the love and support you have shown me….”



Link to the original thread for Rinders is here and her threads are here.. Here and here


Sending so much love to the wonderful Rindercella and her beautiful girls as we remember Richard. Always loved, always missed. The hugest hugs for them, their family and friends. xxx