About MN Blankets

Our beautiful blankets have been made by a community of Mumsnetters wanting to show their love and support to fellow Mumsnetters and their families facing heartbreaking and devastating loss. Some contribute by crafting, others by donating funds or wool, all playing a full part,  It is hoped that the blankets can offer some comfort to the families. If they get one ounce of love from their blanket then it’s all worth it.

The blankets have come to be known as Woolly Hugswe are sending them love and wrapping them in a warm hug.

“When I’ve finished my not very well knitted squares, I sort of sigh and think, well they aren’t very good, but you look at the picture of the finished blanket, and you really ‘get’ it. The whole thing, so various and beautiful, the feelings behind it, so many people contributing, wanting to send comfort and love.”

“My wool has just arrived! The colours are beautiful, pink and blue. Please tell my donor I am proud to knit with it on behalf of us both. There is something incredibly special about receiving this wool from a friend I don’t know and to be doing something so precious with it. Big big thanks…..”

Mumsnet is sometimes accused of being shouty and cross (and it can be) but put simply, there are few better places to get support when you need it most. These blankets and the work and love behind them shows just how much of a community Mumsnet really is.” Justine Roberts, April 2012, CEO and Co-Founder www.mumsnet.com & www.gransnet.com



One response to “About MN Blankets”

  1. […] to fit my ‘simple and speedy’ criteria, I looked at a lot of the Mumsnet Woolly Hugs blankets (https://www.woollyhugs.org/2016/11/07/mn-blankets/) for inspiration and decided I needed colour to be the key feature. The simplicity came from a […]