She met the world with love

The initial crafting stage of this project is over, we are onto construction!

There cannot be a single soul who has not been shocked and 13533210_1151677034882655_45421188523841453_n.jpghorrified by the devastating attack and murder of MP Jo Cox. Truly awful, at times like this one struggles to find the words to make any sense, there just aren’t any. We feel desperately sorry for Jo’s children, DH, parents, family and friends, and are thinking of all who love and miss her.

In one of the most beautiful and courageous pieces written her husband Brendan has said she would have wished now for their children to be bathed in love, this really resonates with what we hope Woolly Hugs is all about.

Jo represented the good things in the world, all that is the opposite of bitterness and hatred, let us do something now for her, for her husband and their children, by sending love, compassion, strength and support. We hope it will bring them a little comfort. We are thinking of them. [thanks]

We are very fortunate to have one of her good friends on board, we asked if she could help us, and she will, and will be able to pass on the blankets to the children when the time comes, we can’t thank her enough, she says “With your permission, I will pass the message on that they are being made. I know they have taken great comfort from the love everyone’s shared in the last few days and this will be equally welcomed. You are brilliant. Thank you xxx.”


So this is our plan, can you help us?13524458_1152268314823527_7070346248171948071_n.jpg


Firstly, we would like to make a blanket for both of Jo’s children, big enough that they can snuggle with their dad and find warmth and comfort.

Secondly we would like to make a blanket for Auction in the run up to Christmas, and have chosen one of Jo’s charities to be our recipient. Brendan said it would have been Jo’s wish that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her, so we have chosen the charity called *Hope not Hate.*  It seems right.

Thirdly, may we encourage folk to contribute to our existing Woolly Hugs’ Refugee Project,  all crafting info is here.]] Jo campaigned tirelessly for refugees, this seems very appropriate. We know we cant help everyone, but one square, one blanket, a pair of gloves, one warm hat, one step at a time, really every little thing will help. Thank you.



 Crafting information for the three blankets


All yarn to be Stylecraft Special DK, which is very easily available, this is a good retailer. Please make sure your square fits into one of these palettes. It will make it much easier. Thank you.

IMG_7165 (1).jpg

Vintage, above: Duck egg, sage, storm, parchment, pale rose, pomegranate, raspberry, grape, cloud blue, sherbert.


Traditional, above: Parchment, cloud blue, denim, sherbert, aster, petrol, lipstick, claret, burgundy.


  • Squares to be 6 inches, using 4mm hook or needles.
  • All crafting abilities  _genuinely_ welcome, simple, complex, squares made by beginner or experienced are equally welcomed. It really is the love and thought that counts.
  • When finished *please sew in those ends* but don’t block your work.
  • Then PM for details for posting.
  • Last posting to be July 27th.


We are on Facebook as Woolly Hugs and Twitter @Woolly_Hugs which are both good ways to keep in touch. Do join us there if you would like to.


“She would have wanted two things above all else to happen now, one that our precious children are bathed in love and two, that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her.”


3 responses to “She met the world with love”

  1. Helene avatar

    Not bad at all fellas and gallsa. Thanks.

  2. Kisnikethunk avatar

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  3. FlaodirNus avatar

    Шарль Азнавур госпитализирован во Франции

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