Woollyhugs > Latest.. > MN Blankets

The Blanket for Cup and the teaset

‘A life filled with love is a life worth living.’

I wanted to let you know that the parcel arrived about an hour ago. The girls and I have been mesmerised by the Woolly Hug since opening it. So many beautiful squares, we can’t begin to choose favourites. It’s truly a work of art. I have read through the cards and am processing the kindness of strangers.

I still post on MN from time to time, but under another name. I shall always be thankful for the friends I made there. Love and thanks being sent your way xxx

The Blankets for Expat and Giraffes

Many of us followed Aillidh’s journey, our hearts touched by this brave and beautiful little girl. She will live long in our memories. Our hearts and thoughts are with Aillidh, Expat and their family.

As part of this project, we also made a blanket for Giraffescantdance. Since Aillidh’s diagnosis, Giraffes has been a constant support and the most remarkable friend to Expat. She has walked this journey beside her and continues to do so, sadly understanding it only too well as she, like Expat, has experienced the devastating loss of a beloved daughter. Our thoughts are with her, as well as our thanks.  We hope that the blankets may give whatever comfort they can to them all. The original thread is here

The Blanket for 3girlies

“I would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who contributed to our lovely blanket. I wanted to wait until Flora’s sisters came home from school so we could open it together, we are just overwhelmed! It is so beautiful, we have so enjoyed picking out the initials and Flora’s name, also managed to identify some of the flowers, don’t think we have taken in every detail yet, I sure we will notice other wonders later. We are all thrilled with it including Flora’s Dad, we can’t believe how many total strangers spent so much time creating such a beautiful memorial.

It does not feel enough just to say thanks, we are so moved by this.


3g and family. X”

The original thread for 3girlies can be found here.

