Our journey here was very easy and quick by comparison to the Ukrainian children and their teachers’ experience. Curfews affect travel in Ukraine, the group left at 4.30am, had to go through security checks and immigration leaving Ukraine AND the same again entering Poland. But finally they are here and so are we.
The children are staying again at the family run Hotel Regionalny. It’s fabulous here and they are so kind. The hotel is located in the town Pełczyn just off the route Lublin – Chelm. It’s about 50 miles from the Ukrainian border. No snow on the ground this year, but it’s bitterly cold with snow flurries.
And it was wonderful to be reunited with our blanket collection. All here. All accounted for! You are all with us. We can’t wait to give them out now.
And the cat is still here!! You remember it photo bombing one of our films last year.
We have all just had dinner and now it’s time for games and craft. It’s fantastic seeing these children safe and warm and enjoying activities. Lots of chatting and laughing. Can’t get much better.
See you in the morning! Busy day tomorrow. And part of it involves our blankets!