Woollyhugs > Latest.. > Past Projects > The Spotty Posse. Giraffes are GO!

The Spotty Posse. Giraffes are GO!

Welcome to the Spotty Posse! We were delighted to be approached by the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle to help with their 10th anniversary celebrations. Their logo is this gorgeous giraffe and they would like as many cuddly giraffes as possible to give to the very ill young patients in their care. Due to Covid their physical party celebrations has sadly been cancelled, such a shame, but the giraffes are very much wanted!  We’d love to send as much woolly love as possible in the form of giraffes and hope you will be able to help us. Maybe this will be the moment you learn a new skill even

Thanks to lovelies Lisa McA and Steph D we have knit and crochet patterns, which are tried and tested. If you get stuck hopefully they will be able to help! The crochet and knit version are slightly different in size but we don’t think this matters at all.


We are using Stylecraft Special DK in Saffron and Walnut only please.

For Team Hooker!! It’s Gertie Giraffe!

For Team Hooker, it’s Gertie Giraffe!

Pattern adapted from I love buttons by Emma http://ilovebuttonsbyemma.blogspot.com/2013/01/crochet-giraffe-pattern.html

You will need

  • 3mm hook for main giraffe
  • 2mm hook for hearts
  • Stylecraft Special DK in Saffron (60g) and Walnut (20g)
  • 70g toy stuffing
  • Wool needle for sewing up





Ch- Chain
Dec- Decrease
SC- Single crochet
Rep- Repeat

(US Terms)

Arms (make 2)

In Walnut 
R1: Ch 2, 6 SC in second Ch from hook (6) 
R2: SC 2 in each SC around (12)
R3: SC 1, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (18)
R4-5: SC 18
R6: SC 1, Dec 1 (12)
  • Change to saffron
 R7- R23: SC 12
Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing together
  • Stuff firmly as you go, leave near the end lightly stuffed.


Legs (make 2)

  • In Walnut
  • R1: Ch 2, 6 SC in second Ch from hook
  • R2: SC 2 in each SC around (12)
  • R3: SC 1, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (18)
  • R4: SC 2, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (24)
  • R5-R8: SC 24
  • R9: SC 2, Dec, rep 6 times (18)
  • R10: SC 1, Dec 1, rep 6 times (12)
    Change to Saffron
  • R11-R33: SC 12
  • Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing together
  • Stuff firmly as you go, leave near the end lightly stuffed.
  • Horns (make 2)
    In Walnut
  • R1: Ch 2, 6 SC in second Ch from hook
  • R2: SC 2 in each SC around (12)
  • R3-R5: SC 12
  • R6: Dec 1, rep 6 times (6)
  • R7-R13: SC 6
  • Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing together
  • Stuff walnut end firmly as you go, leaving the Saffron part unstuffed



In Saffron

  • R1: Ch 2, 6 SC in second Ch from hook
  • R2: SC 2 in each SC around (12)
R3: SC 1, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (18)
  • R4: SC 2, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (24)
R5: SC 3, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (30)
  • R6: SC 4, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (36)
  • R7-13: SC 36 
R14: SC 5, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (42)
  • R15: SC 6, 2 SC in next SC , rep 6 times (48)
R16-18: SC 48
  • R19: SC 6, Dec 1, rep 6 times (42)
R20: SC 4, Dec 1, rep 7 times (35)
  • Sew on eyes if you don’t want to added them when fully made up.
  • R21: SC 3, Dec 1, rep 7 times (28)
R22: SC 2, Dec 1, rep 7 times (21)
Stuff firmly as you go
  • R23: SC 1, Dec 1, rep 7 times (14)
  • R24: Dec 1, rep 7 times (7)
Fasten off and weave in end

Ears (make 2)
In Saffron

  • R1: Ch 2, 6 SC in second Ch from hook
  • R2: SC 2 in each SC around (12)
  • R3: SC 1, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (18)
  • R4-9: SC 18
  • Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing together



In Saffron

  • R1: Ch 2, 6 SC in second Ch from hook
  • R2: SC 2 in each SC around (12)
R3: SC 1, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (18)
R4: SC 2, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (24)
  • R5: SC 3, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (30)
R6: SC 4, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (36)
  • R7: SC 5, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (42)
R8: SC 6, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (48)
  • R9: SC 7, 2 SC in next SC, rep 6 times (54)
R10-R19: SC 54 
R20: SC 7, Dec 1, rep 6 times (48)
R21: SC 6, Dec 1, rep 6 times (42)
R22: SC 5, Dec 1, rep 6 times (36)
  • R23: SC 4, Dec 1, rep 6 times (30)
Stuff firmly as you go
R24: SC 3, Dec 1, rep 6 times (24)
R25-38: SC 24
    R39: SC 1, Dec 1, Rep 8 times (16)
    R40: Dec 1, Rep 8 times (8)
Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing together
  • Firm stuffing as you go


Hearts (6-8)
In Walnut using 2mm hook

  • Make Slipknot and Ch1
  • Into Ch1 work 3 DC, 3HDC, TRC, 3 HDC, 3 DC, SlSt into hole in centre and fasten off
  • You can split the ply in the walnut yarn to make smaller hearts or just work with the DK as it comes. If using DK without splitting, you might want to stick with the 3mm hook.

Making up

Head and Face
1. Add horns to top of head. As a guide you want to place them roughly where the Decreases start about 1 cm apart. Sew round the bottom edge making sure there are no gaps between head and horn.
2. Add the ears. In line with the horns. Fold the ear in half and pull the sewing up end through the other corner and draw it together to form a little cup shape. Sew round the edge making sure there are no gaps between ear and head
3. Eyes (Make 2) – Using Walnut and 3mm hook Ch3 and fasten off. Now weave fastened off end through the chains and back again, then pull tight into a small knotted ball. Knot both ends together and sew into place about 1cm below the horns, about in line with the gap between horn and ear. Repeat for other eye.
4. Add nostrils using Walnut

Body, Arms and Legs
1. Using cast off tail sew closed the open ends of the 2 arms and 2 legs. Leave the rest of the tail for attaching to body
2. Place Arms at the point where the Decreases finish before the neck section, sew flat following the stitches in the round. Make sure you sew over the “shoulder” and under the armpit to create a strong join that isn’t too floppy
3. On giraffes bottom you want to place the legs, so the toes are pointing at 10 and 2 on a clockface looking at the bottom with his front facing up. This will help him balance and sit up on his own. Sew both legs on firmly as you did with the arms.
4. Attach head to body. This is fiddly. The top of the neck should be flush with the back of the head. Sew in place firmly all the way round. You might need to add a stitch or two under the chin to pull the face into a more natural resting place.
5. Scatter hearts around the neck and torso area.
6. Give him a squeeze to add more love


For Team Knit!! It’s Ginny Giraffe!

For Team Knit!! It’s Ginny Giraffe!

Giraffe measures 10 inches ( 26 cms)  in height 


  • Stylecraft Special DK in Saffron and Walnut
  • 15 gm walnut
  • 60 gm saffron 
  • Oddment of black for features
  • a pair of 3.25mm (US3 :UK10) needles 
  • Acrylic toy stuffing 
  • Plastic headed black marker pins 




  • alt                  alternate
  • beg                beginning
  • cont               continue
  • dec                decrease
  • foll                 following
  • garter st        garter stitch – knit every row
  • inc                 increase by knitting in front and back of stitch)
  • k                    knit
  • k2tog             knit 2 stitches together – if these are the last stitches on the row, then work together through back of loops
  • LH                 left hand
  • m1                 make one stitch – pick up horizontal loop between the needles and work into the back of it.
  • p                    purl
  • p2tog             purl two stitches together – if these stitches are the first in the row then work together through back of loops
  • rem                remaining
  • rep                 repeat
  • st(s)               stich(es) 
  • stocking -st     stocking -stitch -knit  on the right side , purl on the wrong side
  • tbl                   through back of loop(s)
  • tog                  together
  • ( )                     repeat instructions between brackets as many times as instructed 

Body (make 2 pieces) 

  • Beg at lower edge, Using thumb method and saffron cast on 35 sts.
  • First and next foll 4 alt rows : P
  • inc row : K10, m1, k15, m1, k10 (37sts)
  • inc row : K11, m1, k15, m1, k11 (39 sts) 
  • inc row : K12, m1, k15, m1, k12 (41 sts)
  • inc row : K13, m1, k15, m1, k13 (43 sts ) 
  • inc row : k14, m1, k15, m1, k14 (45 sts) 
  • Next row : P
  • work rows  1- 4 in stocking-st starting with a knit row 
  • All odd rows  5-35
  • K2tog , knit to last 2 sts , K2tog tbl
  • All even rows 6- 36
  • Purl 
  • 13 stitches remaining 
  • Rows 37-56 stocking- st 
  • Cast Off 



  • Using thumb method and saffron cast on 20 sts
  • First row : P
  • Inc row : K1, m1, k to last stitch , m1, k1 
  • rep these 2 rows 5 times more ( 32 sts ) 
  • Beg with a purl row , stocking- st 5 rows .
  • Dec row : K2tog , k to last 2 stitches , k2tog tbl
  • Next row : P 
  • Rep last 2 rows 5 times more (20 sts) 
  • Cast off 

Hind legs ( make 2 )

  • Beg at hoof using the thumb method and walnut cast on 6 sts 
  • P 1 row
  • Inc row : (inc  in each st to end) 
  • rep last 2 rows once (24 sts) 
  • P 1 row
  • work 2 rows in garter st
  • Beg with a k row stocking- st 2 rows
  • Dec row : (K1, K2 tog ) to end (16 sts) 
  • beginning with a p row , stocking- st 5 rows
  • Change to saffron
  • Dec row : (K2 tog) to end  (8sts) 
  • P 1 row
  • Inc row : K1 , (m1, k1) to end  (15 sts) 
  • P 1 row
  • Inc row : (K1, m1,k1,m1,k1 ) 5 times  (25 sts )
  • Beg with a p row , stocking -st 21 rows
  • Dec row : K1, (k2 tog ,k1 ) to end (17 sts)
  • P 1 row 
  • Cast off 

Forelegs (make 2 )

  • Beg at hoof using the thumb method and walnut , cast on 6 sts 
  • P 1 row 
  • Inc row : inc in each st to end 
  • Rep last 2 rows once (24 sts) 
  • P 1 row 
  • garter st 2 rows 
  • beg with k row, stocking -st 2 rows
  • Dec row : (K1 , k2tog ) to end (16 sts) 
  • Beg with a p row, stocking- st 5 rows
  • Change to saffron 
  • Dec row : (K2 tog ) to end (8 sts) 
  • P 1 row 
  • Inc row :K1, (m1,k1 ) to end (15 sts) 
  • P 1  row 
  • Inc row : K3 , ( m1, k3 ) to end ( 19 sts) 
  • beg with a p row , stocking- st 21 rows 
  • Dec row : K3 , (k2tog) twice, K5, (k2tog) twice. K3 (15 sts) 
  • P 1 row 
  • Dec row : K2 , (k2tog) twice, k3, (k2tog) twice, k2 (11 sts) 
  • P 1 row 
  • Cast off 



  • Beg in centre back using the thumb method and saffron cast on 8 sts
  • First and next foll 3 alt rows: P 
  • Inc row : (inc)  to end (16 sts)
  • Inc row : (K1, inc) to end (24 sts) 
  • Inc row : (K2 , inc) to end (32 sts)
  • Inc row : (K3 , inc) to end (40 sts)
  • Beg with a p row , stocking- st 7 rows 
  • Shape head
  • Row 1  : K2 tog, knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (38 sts)
  • Row 2  : P
  • Row 3  : K2tog, knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (36 sts) 
  • Row 4  : P
  • Row 5  : K2tog, knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (34 sts) 
  • Row 6  : P
  • Row 7  : K2tog , knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (32 sts) 
  • Row 8  : P
  • Row 9  : K2tog , knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl 30 sts)
  • Row 10 : P
  • Row 11 : K2tog , knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (28 sts) 
  • Row 12 : P2tog tbl, p to last 2 sts , p2tog (26 sts)
  • Row 13 : K2tog , knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (24 sts)
  • Row 14 : P2tog tbl, p to last 2 sts , p2tog (22 sts)
  • Row 15 : K2tog , knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl (20 sts) 
  • Row 16 : P
  • Dec row : K3, (k2tog) twice, k6, (k2tog) twice, k3 (16 sts) 
  • Beg with a p row, stocking -st 5 rows
  • Dec row : K1, (k2tog, k1) to end (11 sts) 
  • P1 row
  • Cast off 

Ears (make 2 )

  • Using the thumb method and saffron cast on 8 sts
  • P 1 row
  • Inc row : K1, (m1,k1) to end (15 sts) 
  • beg with a p row, stocking- st 3 rows
  • Dec row: (K1, k2tog) trend ( 10 sts)
  • Beg with a p row , stocking- st 5 rows 
  • Dec row : (K2tog) to end (5 sts) 
  • Thread yarn through rem sts, pull tight and secure 

Inside ear piece ( make 2 ) 

  • Using thumb method and saffron cast on 6 sts 
  • P 1 row 
  • Inc row : K2 ( m1, k2 ) twice (8 sts)
  • Beg with a p row , stocking -st 3 rows
  • Dec row : K2 tog, knit to last 2 sts , k2tog tbl 
  • Next row : P 
  • Rep last 2 rows once (4 sts) 
  • Thread yarn through rem sts , pull tight and secure

Horns (make 2 )

  • Using thumb method and saffron cast on 8 sts
  • Beg with a p row, stock st 4 rows, ending on a k row.
  • Change to walnut and p 1 row 
  • Inc row : K1 , (m1.k1) to end  ( 15 sts) 
  • Beg with a p row , stocking- st 3 rows
  • Dec row : (K1, k2tog) to end (10 sts) 
  • Thread yarn through rem sts and leave loose 

Making up


  • Place the 2 halves of the body together, matching all edges and join row ends. Stuff the body, leaving neck and lower edge open.


  • Pin base to lower edge of body and sew all the way around , adding more stuffing if needed .

Hind Legs 

  • Gather round the cast on stitches of hooves, pull tight and secure. Stuff and join row ends of hooves . Join row end of legs on right side using mattress stitch. Stuff legs. Place body on a flat surface , pin legs to body and sew cast off sts  of legs to body all the way around .



  • Work as for hind legs leaving gap to stuff. Stuff , close gap and with seam at centre inside edge, over sew cast off sts. Sew cast off sts of forelegs to base of neck at each side 


  • Join row ends of muzzle and with seam at centre underneath, join cast off sts. Gather round cast on sts, pull tight and secure. Join row ends , leaving a gap, stuff and close gap. Pin body to head, adding more stuffing to neck if needed. Attach head to bodily taking small horizontal st from head, then small horizontal st from body . Do this alternately all the way around


  • With wrong sides together, place inside ear piece down the centre of the ears, matching cast on sts, and allowing edges of ears to roll toward the centre. Sew in place and attach ears to head at each side 



  • Roll each horn up from one set of row ends to the other. Pull stitches on thread tight and slip stitch in place. Attach horns towhead between ears 

Embroidering the features 

  • To make eyes , tie a knot in 2 lengths of black yarn, winding yarn round 6 times to make each knot. Check the knots are the same size. Tie eyes to head halfway down, with 5 clear sts between. Run ends into head.
  • Embroider nostrils in black taking 2 long sts. To begin and fasten off invisibly for the embroidery, tie a knot in the end of the yarn and take a large st through work coming up to begin embroidery. Allow knot disappear through knitting and be caught in stuffing. To fasten off, sew a few sts back and forth through work, inserting the needle where the yarn comes out .


Abbreviations for Hearts 

inc    knit into front and back of stitch 

kfb    knit into front and back of stitch 

B&T – Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through remaining stitches on needle, draw up tightly and secure by threading yarn a second time through sts 

SSK -Slip, slip, knit (Decrease – slip the next stitch on the left needle knitwise, then slip the next stitch on the left needle purlwise. Take the left needle and knit through the front of the two slipped stitches on the right needle)

Knit all in brown 

Small heart 

  • Row 1: Kfb (2 sts)
  • Row 2: Kfb, K to end (3 sts)
  • Repeat row 2 until 10 sts on needle 
  • Rows 10 & 11: Knit 
  • Shape top of heart: 
  • Row 11: K2tog, K3, turn
  • Row 12: K2tog, K2
  • Row 13: K2tog, K1. Slip 1st stitch over 2nd, bind off. 
  • Rejoin yarn at centre. Continue, reversing shaping:
  • Row 1 –  K3, K2tog 
  • Row 2  – K2, K2tog 
  •  Row 3. – K1, K2tog.  Slip 1st stitch over 2nd, bind off. 


Large Heart 

  • Begin at the bottom of the heart and  cast on 2 sts
  • Row 1  Inc1, K1 (3sts)
  • Row 2  Purl
  • Row 3  K1, Inc1,K1 (4sts) 
  • Row 4 Next and every following alternate row: P1, Knit to last stitch, P1 
  • Row 5 K1, (Inc 1) 2 times, K1 (6 sts)
  • Row 7 K1,Inc1,K1,Inc1,K2 (8sts)
  • Row 9 K1,Inc1,K3,Inc1,K2 (10sts) 
  • Row 11 K1,Inc1,K5,Inc1,K2 (12sts)
  • Row 13 K1,Inc1,K7,Inc1,K2 (14sts)
  • Row 15 Knit 
  • Row 16 Left side P1, K5, P1, turn (work on these 7 sts only) 
  • Row 17 K4, SSK, K1 (6 sts)
  • Row 18 P1, K2, SSK, P1 (5 sts)
  • Row 19 SSK, K1, K2tog (3 sts) B&T 
  • Row 16 Right side Re-join yarn  P1, K5, P1 
  • Row 17 K1, K2tog, K4 (6 sts)
  • Row 18 P1, K2tog, K2, P1 (5 sts)
  • Row 19 SSK, K1, K2tog (3 sts) B&T 


Posting will be to Teddington after September 12th please, with a last posting of October 1st. Thank you so so much, just thinking about the happiness these giraffes will bring makes for a teary moment!


Tortie is enjoying their company!