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Belarus Blog. The Wheels on the Bus. Thursday morning

Collected at 9am, we were off to school in classic Belarusian school bus! Thursday was looking like a very busy day. Our itinerary is below…

It was to be a day filled with school visits, dropping in to the kindergarten (so cute) who performed a show for us which was adorable. These children are aged 4-6 years. One day they’ll visit the UK!

So onto the secondary school, which was utterly wonderful. Until very recently all their water was drawn from the well in their playground. Lots of pics below….

So privileged to meet again the (Chernobs) children who visited Bristol last summer and being in on meetings for families with children coming this summer. Above, last year’s children are doing a presentation for next year’s group. You can see in the slide top right pics of the blanket handover in 2018!

Inessa and Irina were acting as translators. It was just lovely to see the children again. They have really grown! We were to visit several at home later in the afternoon how exciting!

So onto a meeting with the Headteacher in her office, before lunch. Any experience we’d had being sent to the Head back in the day was put into the shade. Because look what we were given <beam>

Cognac. <slurp>


Wednesday afternoon to follow!