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The Blankets for MrsKwazii

“Hello to all of you wonderful knitters, crocheters and wool-donors. I met with the wonderful Pistey yesterday and collected our large blanket – it is absolutely glorious. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you.

The love, talent, time and effort that goes into each square is so impressive. And even those ‘plain squares’ are anything but when you look closely at them. MrK and I spent a long time looking at our blanket last night and still new things kept jumping out at us – the many beautiful hearts, the customised teddy buttons, the stunning crocheted flowers, initial letters, the two footprints and on, and on; all radiating out from one of Soupy’s cheeky-grinned bears. Individually they are mini works of art, put them together and they are very special indeed.

And while we’ve been given two blankets (DD snuggles under her Woolly Hug every night on the sofa after dinner) they are so much more than blankets. They represent and mean so much. They are love and thoughtfulness, kindness and compassion made physical.

The death of a child is like no other kind of grief. It is all-encompassing and truly frightening as you have no idea if you will drown under it or come through it. Knowing that so many people cared and were thinking of us – many of them strangers – and that so many squares were coming together meant and means so much. We will cherish and look after both of our blankets, they will forever be part of our family life and will always remind me of the friendship and bonds that are formed whenever women pull together to support each other.

As to Pistey and Knotty, who put so much time and effort into our Woolly Hugs and all of the other blankets and ongoing WH projects, thank you for your kindness, amazing organisational skills and incredible generosity of spirit. You are also extremely good fun to have lunch with wink

I really cannot say thank you enough to everyone who has been involved. I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Much love to you all xxx”

Links to the original threads for MrsKwazii can be found herehere and also here. Two blankets were made, one for their younger daughter too.

The Blankets for WubblyBubbly’s family

Wendy’s vision that inspired us:

“When we die that is what we become, millions of dust particles. And that we go back to earth in a million different places to sit on top of mountains, become snowflakes and grains of sand. We become a part of earth. We really never leave. “

“Thank you so much to all that were involved, me and Lawrie have been amazed by the blankets. Can I say thank you again to all of the cards and letters they were really thoughtful. I am sure Wendy (WubblyBubbly) would be surprised by every thing you Ladies have done, she will always be with Lawrie and I’m sure his woolly hug will be with him also, its on his bed every night as this one will be on mine, again thank you all so so so much they are fabulous

love to all

Lawrie and David Wubbly.”

Links to the original threads for Wubbly can be found here and here. Two blankets were made, one for Wubbly’s son and one for the family.


The Blanket for Chipmonkey

Link to our orginal thread for Chipmonkey is here

“Hello there I am chipmonkey’s DS1.  I would really like to thank all the ladies who helped to make the blanket, I heard that there were about 75 people who contributed to making the blanket and that really touched me, to know that there were that many people who each spent some of their time to make such a beautiful blanket. My younger brothers and I really enjoyed it on our way down to Wexford, it kept us comfortable and warm for the whole trip. I am even using the blanket right now. My mum is very serious about keeping it clean but I don’t blame her. But anyway I am very very grateful for everything everyone has done. Thanks for making such a beautiful blanket everyone, I greatly appreciate it.”

Chipmonkey’s DS1.

The Blankets for Magic8ballhastheanswers

Just wanted to update this thread so everyone who contributed can know what happened. We handed 3 blankets over to magic’s husband today, one for each of his girls. They were so beautiful and he was incredibly touched. Thank you everyone who knitted a square or donated money to buy wool. And big thanks to the lovely ladies who turned a heap of little squares into 3 of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Muser xxx

Links to the orginial threads are here and here.

Apologies for the size of some of Magic’s photos, sadly it is not possible to change sizings, but we still wanted to include them.