Wendy’s vision that inspired us:
“When we die that is what we become, millions of dust particles. And that we go back to earth in a million different places to sit on top of mountains, become snowflakes and grains of sand. We become a part of earth. We really never leave. “
“Thank you so much to all that were involved, me and Lawrie have been amazed by the blankets. Can I say thank you again to all of the cards and letters they were really thoughtful. I am sure Wendy (WubblyBubbly) would be surprised by every thing you Ladies have done, she will always be with Lawrie and I’m sure his woolly hug will be with him also, its on his bed every night as this one will be on mine, again thank you all so so so much they are fabulous
love to all
Lawrie and David Wubbly.”
Links to the original threads for Wubbly can be found here and here. Two blankets were made, one for Wubbly’s son and one for the family.