Such a beautiful evening

Our wonderfully busy day continued with the most exciting trip to see the Christmas lights at Lumina Park. Absolutely magical. Absolutely magical for us, but imagine coming from a place with limited and only functional electricity, so much so that there are no street lights?
Just sayin….
The children took photos of every single piece to share the joy with their families. Such a lot of love flying around.Then back to the children’s hotel for dinner and the first round of BLANKET GIVING!
Dinner time! Pierogi, one of the most popular Polish foods. Thinly rolled dough filled with a savoury mix of sauerkraut. Hearty and warming.
So time for the first group of children to receive their blankets!As said in the video, I think sometimes we get bogged down in thinking squares, squares, squares, photos, photos, photos, construction, construction, you get the idea. But then here are the children. This is the heart and soul of it all. And here they are.In their current reality these children don’t get choices They don’t get to choose food, activities etc. And here we were with blankets spread out asking them to choose one to take home! Absolutely joyful. Thank you so much for making this happen. We were struggling to contain our emotions. But we did with a smile on our faces and in our hearts.Some children spotted ‘their blanket’ straight away and rushed over, falling on their blanket with joyful whoops. Others walked round and round taking in the whole sight before making very careful selections. They were utterly delighted. Lots of thanks and love.
We asked if they’d like a photo and some were too shy. So this is just some of the children with their blankets. Isn’t this wonderful? ❤️
And the rest of the blankets are going to children on Saturday. We have more Ukrainian children coming for a Christmas party. We can’t wait to meet them!And this morning their teachers were saying that as they said goodnight to the children, they were all tucked in with their blankets. It doesn’t get much better, does it?
Nadia “IloveitIloveitIloveitTHANKYOOOOO’ ❤️