Welcome to our Summer of Woolly Love 2023!


Welcome to our Summer of Woolly Love 2023!

We go on our summer break from Tuesday 1st August (posting to us stops for the summer on July 17th) and we will be back on September 19th. It has been another busy year so far and we can’t thank everyone enough for all your hard work, compassion and enthusiasm.

We know that many of you love a summer break project, some of you certainly need to be kept out of mischief 🙂 and if you need yarn to take part, please do message us.

Our first focus is the Peony Project, link here…

So this includes fidget Toys, sensory lap blankets. All crafting info for this can be found here…. We’d love as many squares as possible.

Simple squares are perfect, a garter knit or granny square in a single colour are absolutely gorgeous.

If a whole blanket is too much, please 12 inch squares (or 6 inch if 12 isn’t possible) in Stylecraft Special DK for consistency.

  • Cloud blue
  • Duck egg
  • Pistachio
  • Meadow
  • Cypress
  • Cornish blue
  • Denim
  • Storm blue
  • Lavender
  • Proper purple
  • Plum
  • fondant
  • Magenta
  • spice
  • shrimp
  • pomegranate
  • Lipstick


Our second focus is the Christmas Craft Sale! Yes we know it is July, but honestly it is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need as much support as poss, thank you so much.

All Christmas Craft info is here

Posting restarts after the break on Monday 18th September. Thank you so much xx