Category: Uncategorized

  • The Blanket for lovely Mowly77’s family

    The Blanket for lovely Mowly77’s family

    So pleased to let you know that the blanket is now with Mowly’s daughter and family. It really was such a big team effort, made and sent with so much love, Just a few photos, was hampered greatly by the great British weather. Thank you so much everyone. Thinking of Mowly, and all who love and must miss her terribly.




  • Spring Craft Sale 2024. Item 9. 400g of beautiful Wrigglefingers hand dyed Shetland 4ply wool!

    Spring Craft Sale 2024. Item 9. 400g of beautiful Wrigglefingers hand dyed Shetland 4ply wool!

    Item 9. 400g of beautiful Wrigglefingers hand dyed Shetland 4ply wool! Absolutely delicious gentle colours!
    The base fibre is Romney x Shetland cross, giving both softness and durability to the yarn. It is 100% wool, grown on the Llŷn Peninsula in North Wales, spun in Ceredigion in Southwest Wales and hand-dyed in mid-Wales.
    This yarn has been handyed in small batches. No two skeins are the same, but have shared shades.
    Each 100g skein gives 400m/437yds.

    Spring Craft Sale 2024. Item 9. 400g of beautiful Wrigglefingers hand dyed Shetland 4ply wool!

    Auction Image

    Starting Bid: £6.00

    Refresh BidGoing for £35.10 Winning: Martina

    Auction Closed

    Ending On: March 9, 2024 9:00 pm

    9. 400g of beautiful Wrigglefingers hand dyed Shetland 4ply wool! Absolutely delicious gentle colours!
    The base fibre is Romney x Shetland cross, giving both softness and durability to the yarn. It is 100% wool, grown on the Llŷn Peninsula in North Wales, spun in Ceredigion in Southwest Wales and hand-dyed in mid-Wales.
    This yarn has been handyed in small batches. No two skeins are the same, but have shared shades.
    Each 100g skein gives 400m/437yds.

    item name : Spring Craft Sale 2024. Item 9. 400g of beautiful Wrigglefingers hand dyed Shetland 4ply wool!

    description : Thank you!

    Terms: spring-craft-sale-2024

    1. Martina bid £35.10 on March 9, 2024 4:36 pm [auto]
    2. Emma W. bid £35.00 on March 9, 2024 4:36 pm
    3. Martina bid £25.10 on March 9, 2024 11:06 am [auto]
    4. Maggie bid £25.00 on March 9, 2024 11:06 am
    5. Martina bid £23.64 on March 5, 2024 7:11 pm
    6. Eliza B bid £15.11 on March 5, 2024 7:05 pm
    7. Nicky Darlow bid £15.01 on March 5, 2024 6:49 pm
    8. Maggie bid £10.10 on March 5, 2024 11:45 am
    9. George bid £10.00 on March 5, 2024 11:44 am [auto]
    10. Maggie bid £10.00 on March 5, 2024 11:44 am
    11. George bid £8.10 on March 5, 2024 11:27 am [auto]
    12. Jan B bid £8.00 on March 5, 2024 11:27 am
    13. George bid £6.10 on March 5, 2024 11:17 am
    14. Beverley bid £6.00 on March 5, 2024 11:16 am

    Enter your email below to get notifications of new bids placed on the above item.

    Shipping Details

    Shipping: P&P inc for UK purchases, please contact us for further afield.

    From: UK

    To: Worldwide

    Payment Details

    Pay via PayPal : We are a Cooperative account in the name of Woolly Hugs Account number: 65579631 Sort code: 089299 Please add a note with your name. If you would rather send cash or cheque (payable to Woolly Hugs) please do to the address below, please include your name. We will let you know it has arrived safely. Woolly Hugs c/o 22 Bridgeman Road Teddington TW11 9AH

  • 2024. Billie’s Butterfly Blankets for a London Children’s Hospice

    2024. Billie’s Butterfly Blankets for a London Children’s Hospice

    Some of you will remember our 2017 project to to help support bereaved families at a London children’s hospice, by making special blankets for the bed in their Butterfly Suite (post bereavement room) to to dress the bed with. The photo here shows the four we made that year.

    At an intensely bleak and dark time there is still something very positive and personal that together we can do for the child and their family.

    Our blankets have been loved and used many times over the years, and in one case a bereaved family have taken their home, which is perfect. But it is now time to remake, and we hope you will help us. The hospice like to have these blankets in hand for time to come so that they can be ready.

    Our blankets are always handmade with love and compassion and so are perfect. We can help care for the whole family at this time by covering the child in bed so they look comfortable and cosy whilst sending love and a hug to their bereaved parents. Loved and looked after.

    We need your help to achieve this for them, we always say love in every stitch and it will be true again this time, thank you so much if you feel you can help. Our aim is to make four single bed sized blankets again, two suitable for younger children and two for older. The hospice have asked for soft colours and with a butterfly theme

    If you’d like to donate funds to help us achieve this, please message us, or if you need resources to take part then do let us know. We don’t want anyone unable to take part due to cost.

    Crafting info

    We will be using Stylecraft Special DK as blankets will need to be very practical, SIX inch squares made using 4mm hook or needles. Knit or crochet equally welcome.

    The colours…

    Duck egg, grape, sage, storm, parchment, pale rose, raspberry, cloud blue, sherbert.

    NB – Just these please, no blocking of squares and please knot off sturdily when changing colours or finishing, leave a good end and use a needle to sew in the peskies.


    Simple squares are very welcome, but if looking for an idea for theme, these are their suggestions…

    • Butterflies/Hearts
    • Teddies, cars, toys, cats etc
    • Stars, leaves, feathers etc




    Last posting please to be Saturday 27th January.

    Thank you doesn’t seem enough, but the most enormous thank you. xxx

  • Looking forward! The Great Spring/Easter Craft Sale and Auction 2024. March 5-9th

    Looking forward! The Great Spring/Easter Craft Sale and Auction 2024. March 5-9th

    Thank you so much for joining us.  All funds raised will go directly into our own Woolly Hug projects. Every penny raised will go to help others, we hope you will support us, either by crafting, buying or even maybe both! Thank you so so much. x

    Crafting info…

    We would love our crafters to make Spring/Easter craft items, and to keep postage costs to a minimum we ask that ideally anything made can be sent on to a buyer in a large envelope. We are open to larger items too obviously, that is just a guide. We will then sell these beauties through the sale.

    Some suggestions for you, but we are very open to others too…

    1. Spring and Easter decorations, bunting, garlands, Easter egg themes etc
    2. Anything sheep wise is always popular!
    3. Small gifts – Little bags, purses, brooches, hair accessories, key rings, gift bags, tags,
    4. Clothing – but lightweight please, we find heavier winter hats, scarves don’t sell well at this time. PLEASE include the yarn type or ball band so we can let folk know how to wash their new treasure. Socks are always very popular!
    5. Woolly, fabric, card, embroidered, beaded, all crafty crafts welcome!!
    6. Lovely lovely things!

    Absolute last posting for crafts to be February 12th please, earlier is better for us if at all possible.

    Please message for the posting information if you need, but it will be Teddington.

    The Event itself…

    Our Spring/Easter 2024 Craft sale and Auction will take place ONLINE on a Facebook Event page and our own Auction site attached to this website as before, between Tuesday 5th March and Saturday 9th March. ( Sunday is Mothers’ day)

    Some items will be up for instant sale on our event wall during this time, others through auction on our Auction Site which will help folk not on Facebook, or those who prefer to take part in this way. Do message us if you have any questions.

    We are keeping it all crossed that this Sale will be a huge success, with your love and support we have every confidence, huge heartfelt thanks.

    THANK YOU!!!!

  • SOLD OUT! The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon. Brighton Seafront. Saturday 27th January 2024

    SOLD OUT! The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon. Brighton Seafront. Saturday 27th January 2024

    The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon at Brighton takes place on Saturday 27th January 2024 between 11.00am and 3.30pm, at the beautiful Regency Brighton Harbour Hotel, which is right on Brighton’s world-famous and iconic promenade and is within easy walking distance of both piers, just a stone’s throw away from the glorious pebbled beach. There is no obligation to walk along the pier, but you might want to, bring big jumpers if so! And if anyone wants to swim, you are bonkers but we’d look after your stuff!!!!

    Our Venue is fully accessible. There are accessible bathroom facilities.


    On Sale from 7pm on Sunday 8th October. CLICK THIS LINK TO TAKE YOU TO EVENTBRITE!

    It is an increase on our 2023 price, and we have held out doing this as long as possible, but all venues are having to increase their prices, which impacts us. Apologies for this. The price includes event swag and we hope that you think the Hugathon is still good value.

    Our Hugathons are a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow Woolly Huggers who share a love of crafting. They are friendly and inclusive. It is a great time for chatting with your fellow Woolly crew and sharing ideas. If Tortie behaves we will let him come too, he is keen for the rides at the end of the pier! We’ve included some testimonials from folk who have been to one before, which might be useful if this is your first time.

    There is a bar onsite, so it is totally up to you what you do about catering for the day. We are unable to make provision, so you might want to bring a flask, drinks, packed lunch etc. But as an example a cappuccino from the bar costs £4.40, a pot of tea is £3.50. Obviously there are coffee shops around too which is always an option. At the end we are planning on Brighton vespers, a gin and vodka based cocktail! But we promise not to start too early, Maybe!

    During the Hugathon we will attempt to get as many 6 inch squares made. In Brighton we are focussing on our Chernobyl 2024 project. We will provide all SSDK, but please remember to bring your 4mm hooks/knitting needles, you will need them! If you have any squares already made for THIS project, please bring them, it may be that we can get some kits out for construction. The link for the project is below.


    Chernobyl 2024. Reach for the stars!

    We will also be running a rather fabulous Lucky Dip (£1 a go) and our legendary Gin Raffle (£1 a ticket) So do bring along some cash, or we do have a card machine if that is easier, happy to tap for any amount! Whilst this is primarily a meet up we always need to raise funds!  And finally we will play a couple of games of our infamous Yarn Bingo game, you will not want to miss this! Well, you might want to but you can’t! Haha!

    Do join us, we’d love to meet you or see you again. And if you are worried about not knowing anyone, let us know and we can get you seated and chatting as quick as a flash.

    How to get there…

    The venue address…

    Brighton Harbour Hotel, 60-64 Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 1NA.

    It is approx a 15 minute walk from the train station, very easy, it is almost a straight line down! Obviously there are car parks, click here for the council website for where to find these

    And should ANYONE wish to know, it is about a 40 min drive from Gatwick. JUST SAYIN.

    From folk who have been to a Hugathon before…

    Walking into a room of people you might have never met could be daunting … but at the Hugathon you are surrounded immediately with love, purpose and wool! What better way to spend a day? Alexsis


    A warm woolly welcome to all. I travelled there alone, anxiously entered, not knowing a soul. Within a few mins I felt so welcomed and part of this wonderful group. A room full of like minded people, wool galore, cakes, tea, coffee, and probably gin 🤪 Julie


    A wonderful experience meeting friends and like minded people. Like sinking into a warm bath of friendship I’ve always known but never met before. Jen

    Attending the Woolly Hugs Hugathon was an amazing experience, putting faces to the names you had made friends with online in the pursuit of a common goal to spread yarn love around the UK and the World. Paula


    A fabulous day meeting ‘strangers’ I have known online for years. Sharing yarn, craft skills, cake and laughter. Returning home full of love for the wonderful Woolly Huggers! Jo

    It was lovely to meet all the folk I have made virtual friends with online . It gave me a real sense of us working together helping to make something beautiful and worthwhile . It was also lovely for the chat , laughter and to admire the amazing craftmanship going on around me , and how everyone was happy to share their expertise Steph

    The hugathon is where the WH virtual community crosses over into a face to face community, meeting others who you may have got to know online. It’s so lovely to be able to sit and work and natter together, comparing notes and making friends. It epitomises the spirit of WH, crafters working together to benefit others. Alison


    I’ve only been to one but it was brilliant and had gin 🤣Anna

  • The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon. Portsmouth Harbour. Saturday 7th October 2023

    The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon. Portsmouth Harbour. Saturday 7th October 2023

    The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon in Portsmouth Harbour takes place on Saturday 7th October 2023 between 11.00am and 3.30pm, at St George’s Church Of England Portsea (Harbour Church, Gunwharf location) Its a stunning location, the building itself is over 250 years old!

    Our Venue is fully accessible. Access to the venue is via a gentle and wheelchair-friendly ramp from the street pavement. There are accessible bathroom facilities.


    This includes event swag!

    Tickets are on sale on Eventbrite from September 1st at 7pm. Click here for the link.

    Our Hugathons are a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow Woolly Huggers who share a love of crafting. They are friendly and inclusive. It is a great time for chatting with your fellow Woolly crew and sharing ideas. If Tortie behaves we will let him come too! We’ve included some testimonials from folk who have been to one before, which might be useful if this is your first time.

    During the Hugathon we will attempt to get as many 6 inch squares made. In Portsmouth we are focussing on our Christmas Cwtch 2023 project. We will provide all SSDK, but please remember to bring your 4mm hooks/knitting needles, you will need them! If you have any squares already made for THIS project, please bring them, it may be that we can get some kits out for construction.

    During our event, but in a different room, Alexsis from Seeded will be running her Seeded Destash event until 2pm. We are not planning to hold destash this time, but do bring your pennies in case you’d like a wander round her event too!

    We have use of the kitchen area, and will provide the wherewithal for making tea and coffee for a donation. Bring a packed lunch, snacks and drinks, we won’t judge if that is alcohol.

    We will also be running a rather fabulous Lucky Dip (£1 a go) and our legendary Gin Raffle (£1 a ticket) So do bring along some cash, or we do have a card machine if that is easier, happy to tap for any amount! Whilst this is primarily a meet up we always need to raise funds!  And finally we will play a couple of games of our infamous Yarn Bingo game, you will not want to miss this! Well, you might want to but you can’t! Haha!

    Do join us, we’d love to meet you or see you again. And if you are worried about not knowing anyone, let us know and we can get you seated and chatting as quick as a flash.

    Christmas Cwtch 2023 project link….

    The Christmas Cwtch palette (all SSDK yarn)

    • Claret
    • Cream
    • Grass green
    • Green
    • Kelly green
    • Lipstick


    From folk who have been to a Hugathon before…

    Walking into a room of people you might have never met could be daunting … but at the Hugathon you are surrounded immediately with love, purpose and wool! What better way to spend a day? Alexsis


    A warm woolly welcome to all. I travelled there alone, anxiously entered, not knowing a soul. Within a few mins I felt so welcomed and part of this wonderful group. A room full of like minded people, wool galore, cakes, tea, coffee, and probably gin 🤪 Julie


    A wonderful experience meeting friends and like minded people. Like sinking into a warm bath of friendship I’ve always known but never met before. Jen

    Attending the Woolly Hugs Hugathon was an amazing experience, putting faces to the names you had made friends with online in the pursuit of a common goal to spread yarn love around the UK and the World. Paula


    A fabulous day meeting ‘strangers’ I have known online for years. Sharing yarn, craft skills, cake and laughter. Returning home full of love for the wonderful Woolly Huggers! Jo

    It was lovely to meet all the folk I have made virtual friends with online . It gave me a real sense of us working together helping to make something beautiful and worthwhile . It was also lovely for the chat , laughter and to admire the amazing craftmanship going on around me , and how everyone was happy to share their expertise Steph

    The hugathon is where the WH virtual community crosses over into a face to face community, meeting others who you may have got to know online. It’s so lovely to be able to sit and work and natter together, comparing notes and making friends. It epitomises the spirit of WH, crafters working together to benefit others. Alison


    I’ve only been to one but it was brilliant and had gin 🤣Anna

    How to get there…

    The venue address…

    St. George’s Church, St Georges Square, The Hard, Portsea, PO1 3AT

    If arriving by car we suggest parking in Gunwharf Quays carpark and walking over, this is what we did when we visited, it was about 15 min walk.

    Gunwharf Quays Car Park Tariff. Please be advised it’s a cashless car park.

    Up to 2 hours, £3.20
    2 – 3 hours, £4.20
    3 – 4 hours, £6.10
    4 – 5 hours, £7.10
    5 – 7 hours, £9.10
    7 – 9 hours, £12.50
    9 – 10 hours, £14.50
    10 – 24 hours, £25.00

    There is on street parking via Ringo, but is notably hard to find.

    The venue is very close to Portsmouth Harbour train station and links to the Isle of Wight, come on you Islanders!








    Thank you folks! G&G

  • Welcome to our Summer of Woolly Love 2023!

    Welcome to our Summer of Woolly Love 2023!


    Welcome to our Summer of Woolly Love 2023!

    We go on our summer break from Tuesday 1st August (posting to us stops for the summer on July 17th) and we will be back on September 19th. It has been another busy year so far and we can’t thank everyone enough for all your hard work, compassion and enthusiasm.

    We know that many of you love a summer break project, some of you certainly need to be kept out of mischief 🙂 and if you need yarn to take part, please do message us.

    Our first focus is the Peony Project, link here…

    So this includes fidget Toys, sensory lap blankets. All crafting info for this can be found here…. We’d love as many squares as possible.

    Simple squares are perfect, a garter knit or granny square in a single colour are absolutely gorgeous.

    If a whole blanket is too much, please 12 inch squares (or 6 inch if 12 isn’t possible) in Stylecraft Special DK for consistency.

    • Cloud blue
    • Duck egg
    • Pistachio
    • Meadow
    • Cypress
    • Cornish blue
    • Denim
    • Storm blue
    • Lavender
    • Proper purple
    • Plum
    • fondant
    • Magenta
    • spice
    • shrimp
    • pomegranate
    • Lipstick


    Our second focus is the Christmas Craft Sale! Yes we know it is July, but honestly it is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need as much support as poss, thank you so much.

    All Christmas Craft info is here

    Posting restarts after the break on Monday 18th September. Thank you so much xx