The Great Woolly Hugs’ Hugathon at Brighton takes place on Saturday 27th January 2024 between 11.00am and 3.30pm, at the beautiful Regency Brighton Harbour Hotel, which is right on Brighton’s world-famous and iconic promenade and is within easy walking distance of both piers, just a stone’s throw away from the glorious pebbled beach. There is no obligation to walk along the pier, but you might want to, bring big jumpers if so! And if anyone wants to swim, you are bonkers but we’d look after your stuff!!!!

Our Venue is fully accessible. There are accessible bathroom facilities.
On Sale from 7pm on Sunday 8th October. CLICK THIS LINK TO TAKE YOU TO EVENTBRITE!
It is an increase on our 2023 price, and we have held out doing this as long as possible, but all venues are having to increase their prices, which impacts us. Apologies for this. The price includes event swag and we hope that you think the Hugathon is still good value.
Our Hugathons are a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow Woolly Huggers who share a love of crafting. They are friendly and inclusive. It is a great time for chatting with your fellow Woolly crew and sharing ideas. If Tortie behaves we will let him come too, he is keen for the rides at the end of the pier! We’ve included some testimonials from folk who have been to one before, which might be useful if this is your first time.
There is a bar onsite, so it is totally up to you what you do about catering for the day. We are unable to make provision, so you might want to bring a flask, drinks, packed lunch etc. But as an example a cappuccino from the bar costs £4.40, a pot of tea is £3.50. Obviously there are coffee shops around too which is always an option. At the end we are planning on Brighton vespers, a gin and vodka based cocktail! But we promise not to start too early, Maybe!
During the Hugathon we will attempt to get as many 6 inch squares made. In Brighton we are focussing on our Chernobyl 2024 project. We will provide all SSDK, but please remember to bring your 4mm hooks/knitting needles, you will need them! If you have any squares already made for THIS project, please bring them, it may be that we can get some kits out for construction. The link for the project is below.
Chernobyl 2024. Reach for the stars!
We will also be running a rather fabulous Lucky Dip (£1 a go) and our legendary Gin Raffle (£1 a ticket) So do bring along some cash, or we do have a card machine if that is easier, happy to tap for any amount! Whilst this is primarily a meet up we always need to raise funds! And finally we will play a couple of games of our infamous Yarn Bingo game, you will not want to miss this! Well, you might want to but you can’t! Haha!
Do join us, we’d love to meet you or see you again. And if you are worried about not knowing anyone, let us know and we can get you seated and chatting as quick as a flash.
How to get there…
The venue address…
Brighton Harbour Hotel, 60-64 Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 1NA.
It is approx a 15 minute walk from the train station, very easy, it is almost a straight line down! Obviously there are car parks, click here for the council website for where to find these
And should ANYONE wish to know, it is about a 40 min drive from Gatwick. JUST SAYIN.

From folk who have been to a Hugathon before…
Walking into a room of people you might have never met could be daunting … but at the Hugathon you are surrounded immediately with love, purpose and wool! What better way to spend a day? Alexsis
A warm woolly welcome to all. I travelled there alone, anxiously entered, not knowing a soul. Within a few mins I felt so welcomed and part of this wonderful group. A room full of like minded people, wool galore, cakes, tea, coffee, and probably gin
A wonderful experience meeting friends and like minded people. Like sinking into a warm bath of friendship I’ve always known but never met before. Jen
Attending the Woolly Hugs Hugathon was an amazing experience, putting faces to the names you had made friends with online in the pursuit of a common goal to spread yarn love around the UK and the World. Paula
A fabulous day meeting ‘strangers’ I have known online for years. Sharing yarn, craft skills, cake and laughter. Returning home full of love for the wonderful Woolly Huggers! Jo
It was lovely to meet all the folk I have made virtual friends with online . It gave me a real sense of us working together helping to make something beautiful and worthwhile . It was also lovely for the chat , laughter and to admire the amazing craftmanship going on around me , and how everyone was happy to share their expertise Steph
The hugathon is where the WH virtual community crosses over into a face to face community, meeting others who you may have got to know online. It’s so lovely to be able to sit and work and natter together, comparing notes and making friends. It epitomises the spirit of WH, crafters working together to benefit others. Alison
I’ve only been to one but it was brilliant and had gin