Hugs and Hearts for the transplant team

We were delighted to be approached by the Lead Governor for the Hampshire Hospital in Basingstoke who were desperately trying to find blankets and 3D hanging hearts for their organ donation team to use with organ recipients their families and the families of those who are bravely donating loved ones organs. We’d love to help them, we hope you will be on board too. When we introduced this at the Manchester Hugathon recently, folk were certainly very supportive.It certainly will be a very special thing to be able to do.

The Hearts for organ recipients, their families and the bereaved families donating organs.

Aiming for hand held/palm size. These will go to children and adults so variation in size is good. But hand held size is what we are aiming for.

To be predominantly red. Accent colours can be used, but NOT white please. This is because in folklore, red and white together represents blood and bandages and is quite common to avoid these colours together in hospitals.

Hearts should be 3D and soft, so with some padding please.

Please add a hanging loop.

Knit, crochet, fabric all welcome.

The hearts we are after are very similar to the Hearty Hearts we already make so that we know is popular. Went through the hearts we had here and found these beauties, all perfect for this project too.


Blankets and Quilts

This is a perfect project for our fabric crafters to get behind as lightweight quilts would be perfect for this too.

Blankets to be roughly single bed sized, (80cm long and 45cm wide was their minimum guidance) any colour, but go cheery and bright, made as a whole piece or by joining squares etc. Whilst blankets will be steam cleaned in hospital, once home they will need to be machine washable and tumble dryable yarn. SSDK is perfect.

These will go to individuals who have received transplants

Lovely Maggie S sent two blankets and said we could choose the project and we would like them to go to this.

Posting will be Teddington. We’d like to send a first collection, so an initial last posting please of Saturday 4th March. Thank you!