2022. Our Christmas Craft Sale, the crafting phase!

Welcome to our Christmas Craft Sale 2022 

We know it’s July! But we know crafting takes such a long time. We are delighted though to be launching our Christmas Craft Sale 2022, we hope you will join us. THANK YOU! This year, with your love and support  we are delighted to get behind the UK’s leading charity fighting suicide: CALM.

CALM provide amazing support for those worried about someone, with loads of info, ideas, suggestions, plus helplines, web chats for supporters and those struggling. They also have support and information for those who have lost someone to suicide. Reading their website, we are so impressed with the quality, breadth of info and ease of access. Please do find them and remember them. This is the link…. 

We will be sending a third of all profits to them, using two thirds to support our own projects and keep them running, ambitious and inclusive. So every penny we can raise will go to help others, we hope you will support us, either by crafting, buying or even maybe both! Thank you so so much.

So let the Crafting Stage begin!

We are aiming to make and sell small/lightweight Christmas craft items, and to keep postage costs to a minimum we ask that ideally anything made can be sent on to a buyer in a large envelope. We are open to larger items too obviously, that is just a guide. Some suggestions for you, but we are very open to others too…

  • Stocking fillers, although obviously Father Christmas is REAL, this is just to help.
  • Christmas tree decorations, bunting, garlands, general decorations. Always very popular, as are totally bonkers quirky things, yes we are thinking gin wreaths, woolly slugs and sock pigs, who knew??!  😀
  • Stockings
  • Cute cuddly things
  • Small gifts – Little bags, purses, brooches, hair accessories, key rings, gift bags, tags,
  • Clothing items such as gloves, hats, scarves, – if making clothing PLEASE inc the ball band or let us know so we can pass this info on to those who buy. xxx
  • Lovely lovely things!
  • Woolly, fabric, embroidered, beaded, ALL crafty crafts welcome!!

Last posting for crafts to be Saturday 8th October 2022 please.

Earlier is very very helpful. thank you. 

Posting will be to Teddington, please message for the address is needed.

The Event itself…

Our Christmas Craft sale and Auction will take place ONLINE on a Facebook Event page as before, between Monday 17th – Sunday 23rd November. 

We will set up the event page after the Summer break. Some items will be up for instant sale on this event wall during this time, others through auction on our Auction Site which will help folk not on Facebook, or those who prefer to take part in this way.

We are keeping it all crossed that this Sale will be a huge success, with your love and support we have every confidence, huge heartfelt thanks.

Thank you so much EVERYONE!