Woollyhugs > Latest.. > MN Blankets

The Blanket for 3littlebadgers

Hello my lovelies, I have just picked up Azra’s blanket and it is the most precious beautiful thing I’ve ever owned. I am sat at the school with the biggest smile on my face and fattest tears in my eyes. It is like getting to cuddle her again after all this time, and I can’t explain what that means to me. I can’t wait to get home and open it out fully and show the children. You ladies truly are angels. I am forever grateful.
Thank you so much
Love always 3 x

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The Blanket for WhereDoAllTheCalculatorsGo

Dear woolly hugs I’m trying to put into words how I felt when I opened the parcel with my big woolly hug in it this morning… Words don’t seem enough somehow, everything I write is an understatement and seems inadequate. I am thrilled yet so sad. I am deeply touched by the care, love and skill that has gone into it, yet wish that I had never needed one to be made for me. I am delighted with all of the different squares; hearts, flowers, butterflies, owls, planes, cars (and margarita glasses of course!) Yet full of pain that I am sat here alone without Bill at my side to share it. It holds a very special place in my heart, I know I will never be without it and wrapping myself up in it feels amazing. Yesterday would have been our wedding anniversary, it was a difficult day and I was wracked with sobs of misery and pain. Today I feel more at peace. Thank you x

The Blanket for Inaminutenow

Dear all, I’d like to thank all crafters and everyone else who contributed to our Woolly Hug – it arrived this morning and is a lovely piece. It captures lots of elements which link it to DH and we are truly grateful to each and every one of you for taking the time to produce such a unique item.
DH first anniversary is coming up at the start of February – it’s incredible how fast the time has gone, when at times I can almost not believe that he has died in the first place.
We are all doing okay. Thanks again to all of you. It really means a lot! Un-MN xxxx

Our original thread is here…




The Blanket for Beccajo’s family

Thanks to everyone who had an input into our wonderful Wooly Hug. Its beautiful, and so big and warm and snuggly and heavy.

There is so much detail in every square, and I keep finding new details that I havn’t seen yet.

The kids & I had a trip to RHS Wisley today, which was one of our special places, we used to go there as a family and have a picnic

Our original thread is here, with some photos of the children with their blanket….