Woollyhugs > Articles by: woollyhugs

2015. Woolly Hugs’ Easter Craft Sale for the amazing charity WAY

Easter thank you.jpg

Folk really are fabulous and have been asking about our Easter Craft sale. We are delighted to confirm it will be going ahead, and that we have chosen the amazing charity WAY (Widowed and Young) to be our recipient. Across the UK, WAY provides peer-to-peer emotional and practical support to young widowed men and women – married or not, with or without children, whatever their sexual orientation – as they adjust to life after the death of their partner. Their peer to peer support is run by a network of volunteers who themselves have been bereaved at a young age, so really understand what folk are going through. For many they have been, and sadly will be, a vital lifeline. Amazing work in desperate and bleak times, and we know they have supported several lovely folk within our Woolly Hugs community.
We’d love to do something for them now.

We are going to run an online Easter Craft sale in a similar way to previous sales. All funds raised will be donated to WAY.

We’d love your help…
We are looking to make and sell small/lightweight Eastery/Spring/ Generally gorgeous items. Sewn, crocheted, knitted, any crafty crafts, the how is up to you! To keep postage costs to a minimum we ask that ideally anything made can be sent on to a buyer in a ‘Large’ envelope. Bigger items are welcome too, we are just aware of postal charges!

Some suggestions for you but we are open to others!
* Easter decorations – chicks, eggs, sheeeeps, rabbits.
* Easter/spring bunting/ garlands, decorations
* Brooches, keyrings, purses, accessories
* Other Lovely Things???!!!

Last posting for crafts to be SATURDAY 7th MARCH. 
Please message for posting information. Thank you so much.

If you’d like to contribute funds to help the sale (support other crafters, help with postage costs) then we’d love to hear from you. This will be a big team effort, and donors will make a difference to what we can achieve here, and we’d be very grateful. Our paypal is admin@woollyhugs.com and please make sure you add a contact name and note that it is for WAY.

The Sale itself will take place over the weekend  March 20th / 22nd.  

It will be run through an Event page on Facebook (MNWoollyHugs) , with a selection of items on our Auction site here on the website to help those not on FB

Fingers crossed this will be a great success and we can help the lovely folk at WAY help even more lovely folk.

Thoughts are with those who have very sadly needed WAY’s support, especially amongst the Woolly Hug family. xx

We are truly grateful for all support, heartfelt thanks xxxx


The Blanket for WhereDoAllTheCalculatorsGo

Dear woolly hugs I’m trying to put into words how I felt when I opened the parcel with my big woolly hug in it this morning… Words don’t seem enough somehow, everything I write is an understatement and seems inadequate. I am thrilled yet so sad. I am deeply touched by the care, love and skill that has gone into it, yet wish that I had never needed one to be made for me. I am delighted with all of the different squares; hearts, flowers, butterflies, owls, planes, cars (and margarita glasses of course!) Yet full of pain that I am sat here alone without Bill at my side to share it. It holds a very special place in my heart, I know I will never be without it and wrapping myself up in it feels amazing. Yesterday would have been our wedding anniversary, it was a difficult day and I was wracked with sobs of misery and pain. Today I feel more at peace. Thank you x

The Blanket for Inaminutenow

Dear all, I’d like to thank all crafters and everyone else who contributed to our Woolly Hug – it arrived this morning and is a lovely piece. It captures lots of elements which link it to DH and we are truly grateful to each and every one of you for taking the time to produce such a unique item.
DH first anniversary is coming up at the start of February – it’s incredible how fast the time has gone, when at times I can almost not believe that he has died in the first place.
We are all doing okay. Thanks again to all of you. It really means a lot! Un-MN xxxx

Our original thread is here…




The Blanket for jchocchip

Thank you so much for the lovely quilt, I really like the colours and the individual squares have so much work in. It arrived yesterday, whilst I was at work, though really wanting to be at the funeral of a very dear friend I met on mumsnet. So a strange day with very mixed feelings. I am looking forward to spreading the quilt out properly at the weekend, I will be cleaning the house and putting up my decorations and can guard it from the cat (!).

The good days are generally more numerous than the bad now, though odd little things still set me off. This Christmas feels more normal than last year when I think I was still taking it all in. Wishing a Happy Christmas and New Year to all, love Jane x