Angel Teds for Glasgow Maternity Hospitals

2020. Very much an ongoing project, collection dates to aim for are at the bottom of the Home page. Thank you x

We were very pleased that Yorkhill came to us for help. It is a very sad project, but we are so glad to able to help families at this time. The idea is to make two identical teddies for babies who pass away in Yorkhill’s SCBU. The family can then give an Angel Ted to their baby and keep an identical one in their very precious keepsake box that the hospital provide. Yorkhill ask that Teds are made in white or soft pastel shades of pink and blue to match the blankets and pillow sets that also go into the boxes.

Crafting information for Team Knit

Please use either

  • 3ply wool with 2.5mm needles
    4ply wool with 2.00mm needles

  • Cast on 10 sts and knit 20 rows. Leave on needle.
  • Cast on another 10 sts and knit 20 rows.
  • Knit 26 rows across the two legs, and then cast on 12 sts in the next 2 rows.
  • Knit 10 rows, cast off 12sts at the beginning of next 2 rows, and then knit 46 rows.
  • Cast on 12sts in next 2 rows, knit 10 rows, knit 10 rows.
  • Cast off 12 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows.
  • Knit 26 rows then knit 20 rows on first next 10 sts and cast those off.
  • Join yarn to remaining 10sts.
  • Knit 20 rows on remaining 10 sts.
  • Cast off.
  • Sew the front and the back of the ted together and stuff firmly.
  • Sew across corner of head to form ears.
  • Embroider face and tie a bow round the bear’s neck.
    Pattern courtesy of Yorkhill and Miracle babies –

    Crafting information for Team Hooker

Huge thanks to Ninja for creating this patterm and to those who trialled it.
The crochet pattern for Angel Teds is here as a free Ravelry download. 
If you prefer you can send Teds unstuffed and minus ribbons. We can do that, but PLEASE still sew up, just leave a hole and a long piece of wool to finish sewing after stuffing. Heartfelt thanks to all for your support.








Copyright © 2024 Woolly Hugs. Charity registration number: 1167411. All rights reserved.